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  • Keune Style Power Paste 150ml

Keune Style Power Paste 150ml

582,00 včetně dph
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doprava zdarma od 900 kč hodnocení zákazníků 3.4

Keune Style Power Paste

Keune Power Paste is often praised in the hairdressing world because of the versatility and quality of this fit ie. Keune Power Paste makes for a super matte effect, but you can also muddled along on side. You bring Keune Power Paste and after a few minutes perfecting!, You have created the perfect hairstyle.

Keune Power Paste is resistant to external influences such as UV radiation and humidity. This is due to the DLP2 protection, DLP includes Double Layer System. In Keune Power Paste two layers reinforce each other's effect and reinforce sit

In addition to the protective effect of the Keune Power Paste paste contains a multi-vitamin complex that causes the hair well groomed and remains strong. If you natures a curl in the hair has Keune Power Paste reinforces this.

Keune put all longstanding trend in terms of styling. Keune products give you the freedom to create. Infinitely many different textures Keune Power Paste has a hold factor of 10 and a gloss factor of 1.



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